

this is me trying to write blogs for the second time. i stared with blogs for the first time previous year and ended up giving up, okay okay imma stop the bullshit. well mel, what are you going to post here? everything i learn about (including life, go touch grass anon), some cool new things and some of my journals too.

I want this blog to capture all the small beauty in my life. Like the feeling of standing under a tree waiting for my friend after submitting the assignment that I’d spent the last three days on.

well today is first of may, i posted a banger on twitter for the first time, it was a picture of all my heroes together in one frame, and idk how it managed to get near about thousand likes, i felt happy for a moment :)

image for reference below

Image of heroes together

i have a funny thing to tell you about the site, around a week ago, if you’d ask me, mel do you know html and css? well no, im not really web developer, all of this site, i made this in around 4 days, thank you struct for helping me with it. (my fav account on x 👉👈); and now somehow this works, i know my code is shit but atleast im transparent about it.

that’s it for this post, ill be consistent with posing i promise.


(please drop some suggestions in my dms to improve this page.)

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