
yo, what's good, my fellow /b/tards? your favorite retard is back, even after getting suspended 5 times in one day. elon, where's my goddamn guinness world record, bro? hopefully, this streak of bans ends here, but let's be real, it was kinda epic, in the mean time i went to good ol' 4chan.


so, last week i was watching some youtube video where this dude was talking about a 90-year calendar system. he was all like, "you only have around 300 weeks left to take action, life is short, blah blah blah." i didn't really get most of it, but i decided to make a calendar out of it anyway.

that's how "chronicle" was born. at first, i wanted to make a chrome extension that would show up every time you opened a new tab, giving you anxiety about all the time you've wasted. but due to my lack of 1337 h4x0r skills, i settled for a web version instead. i tweeted about it, so if you haven't checked it out yet, what are you waiting for, roast the shit out of me and head over to you lazy fucks, dont ask me why vercel.

after building it, i found out that someone had already written a blog post about this idea 10 years ago. lemme just spit out my interpretation at you then. this is the original blog btw.

*adjusts fedora* alright, listen up, you filthy degenerates. life is like one of those japanese dating sims, except instead of cute anime waifus, you've got a limited number of weeks to simp for. if you're lucky enough to make it to the final waifu at age 90, you'll have a grand total of 4,680 weeks in your harem.

think of each week as a tiny-ass 0.05-carat diamond. by the time you're done with this dating sim called life, you'll have just under a tablespoon of these shiny fuckers. that's not a lot, even if it sounds fancy. so, the real question is: are you making the most of these gems, or are you just wasting them like a fucking normie?

if you're wasting your diamonds on shit that doesn't make you happy in the moment or set you up for a better future (like working for the man or using windows), then you're doing it wrong, dipshit. that's like taking your hard-earned bitcoin and throwing it into a fucking ponzi scheme.

the worst weeks are when you're not enjoying the present and you're not building for the future. it's like being stuck in a honeypot with no way out. fucking nightmare fuel, am i right? those are the kinds of weeks that make you want to rage-quit the entire system.

so, what's the winning strategy? balance, you fucking script kiddies. enjoy the diamonds you have, but also keep stacking them up for something epic down the line. don't let the daily grind or the feds bring you down. make every goddamn diamond count, because once they're gone, they're gone for good. no respawns, no backups.

keep it real, keep it balanced, and keep fucking shit up, you glorious hacker bastards.

*tips fedora and chugs redbull*

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